Nowadays people have taken education as a source of income. Almost every youth nowadays considers that he has to study only for a specified span of time and that too , just to get a degree after which he can get a job. The motto of education has become money and not knowledge. And this is a hard fact that is bitter but true. I strongly feel that education has to reach as many people as possible not just to make them stand on their own legs but to also enrich them with the fruits of enlightenment and that will be the day for a new society which could be called a well cultured society.
World Art Fair, Dubai WTC 19th March, 2022 - This date is etched in memory for long. It was a long weekend (Holi time in India) and I planned on celebrating the weekend in a special style. I was very happy to know that Dubai is organizing an art fest at a global level which includes 300 top artists from all over the globe who would be show casing their art works. A. Introduction: My aunt Antra, who we know is a profound artist and has great expertise when it comes to play on the canvas, was also a participant in this mega event. I thus decided why not utilize this weekend to meet her (as myself and mummy haven’t met any family member for so long) and Amit mama and also enjoy the culmination of so man...
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